
I'm a senior level programmer with 13+ years of experience densely packed with successful projects in a variety of languages and environments. I’ve worked on a number of different projects for the web and mobile, from small to medium size web applications, B2B SaaS, to complex enterprise applications.


experienced with: *nix\Mac, Git, Javascript, PHP, Python, Laravel, Django, RESTful APIs, Vue JS, jQuery, Responsive Design, HTML5 & CSS3,Websockets,, MySQL, Redis, Postgresql; experience with React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Android Development, Java, C#.


Master in Software Engineering 2013 - 2015 | Valencia, Spain

Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

Bachelor Degree Telematics Engineer, (CUM LAUDE) 2007 - 2012 | Sto Dom, Dom. Rep.

Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra


Google Software Engineer

September 2021 - Current | Remote

Still a noogler :)

Dropbox Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer / February 2021 - September 2021 | Remote
Software Engineer II / April 2019 - February 2021 | Remote

Working as a full-stack developer on the HelloSign and HelloFax projects.

Goals Accomplished:
  • Eliminated SPOF by designing and implementing a native delayed jobs mechanism for RabbitMQ that works reliably in distributed systems
  • Designed and implemented minute-based rate limits for HelloSign and HelloFax to replace the existing hourly-based rated limits
  • Implemented improvements to the HelloSign test suite and achieved lower running times
  • Leveraged the existing Dropbox support chatbot implementation to use it in HelloSign

Hospital IQ Software Engineer

July 2017 - January 2019 | Remote
Goals Accomplished:
  • Made complex data digestible by creating custom charts using D3
  • Wrote different features from start to finish, from API, Database design and UI
  • Introduced the UI team to Vue JS and helped on the implementation
  • Contributed features and bug fixes to the in-house OOP JS framework

Multibrain Network Inc. Senior Software Engineer

August 2014 - July 2017 | Remote

We built a Marketing Automation Tool. Where I was mostly responsible for the efforts of posting and scheduling content to social media which has left me with good understanding of the capabilities and challenges of consuming and using the APIs of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Also, I integrated the API for us to get a better understanding of our users.

Goals Accomplished:
  • Integrated API for better understanding of the users
  • Integrated Social Media APIs for Posting and Scheduling content
  • Reduced tests suite running time by ~48%

Bops Tech SRL Lead Developer

June 2013 – July 2014 | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Responsible for planning and coordinating all development efforts, defining our technology stack configuration. Main responsibility was to develop web applications for clients and in-house products. Here I mainly worked as a Full Stack Web developer. Helped build a Web Application that monitors liquid deposits for businesses in real time using Websockets.

SOFTWORKS SRL Web development Consultant

April 2013 - June 2013 | Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.

Worked on developing the main Line of Business Application for the Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce ( using ASP.NET and C#.
Goals Accomplished:

  • Optimized DB queries for faster load times in the application.

LCT Android Mobile Developer Consultant

February 2012 – April 2014 | Remote

Worked on the new line of Android Apps that produced this company to improve the way taxi drivers communicate with dispatchers.
Goals Accomplished:

  • Completely replaced the Radio Transmitter for Tablets inside taxis, removed normal radio communication in favor of a VoIP call, app communicated via TCP Sockets
  • Application also reduced client expenses drastically.

GPD SHARE SRL Software Developer

July 2012 – April 2013 | Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.

My role was to create a web app with a custom Business Intelligence and Financial dashboard for stakeholders to use, and a desktop app used to read barcodes and scan documents of invoices and payments.
Goals Accomplished:

  • Financial dashboard helped detect overdue payments faster.
  • Desktop app reduced time spent scanning invoices and payments by third parties.

XTUDIA SRL Junior .NET Web Developer

June 2011 – February 2012 | Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.

Helped create an Administration Website for a Sports Affiliation System and a website to subscribe a person to a Team Fan Page for the Dominican Baseball Winter League and the Dominican Basketball League. The site handles Online Payment with a third party provider consuming SOAP Web Services. Technologies: ASP.NET MVC3

Last updated: November 1st, 2021